Sunday, February 8, 2015

"Deep Freeze" chores

Snow Phone

Snow days.

White outs.

Snow blowers.

Brown snow.

Fender bergs.

Two hour delays.

10" to 12".

Ice dams.

Snow shovels.

Right now in New England we are in the middle of what I call the "Deep Freeze". Its early February and the local news channels report that we have had the snowiest 10 days on record with more snow on the way. Also, it has been bitterly cold forcing most of us to spend more time indoors than we normally would.
As so much of our time is spent inside, this can be a great time of year to tweak your job search tools.
Cover letters, resumes, business cards, and your LinkedIn page are the specific tools I am referring to. Here are a few things you can do during the "deep freeze" to improve some of your job search tools.
1.) Update your LinkedIn photo.
Maybe your LinkedIn photo is dated, taken with the family pet, taken with you in your Tom Brady jersey, or just a poor quality picture. Take a critical look at your photo. Is this how you want to represent yourself to the world wide web? If you are not pleased, upgrade.
Some profiles I view have no picture at all. Remember, LinkedIn is NOT Facebook. Save the goofy pictures for your Facebook page. On LinkedIn, the "first impression" is your photograph. Make sure your photo sends a professional message.
2.) Update your resume.
Another year has passed and you have accomplished many things. Update your resume to include of few of your accomplishments from last year. This may require some research and thought. "What did I accomplish last year?"
You never know when things can take a turn for the worse with your current situation. By updating your resume annually, you give yourself a leg up if you find yourself out of work on short notice.
3. Reconnect with an old colleague.
You never know where your next opportunity will come from. Most new positions are the result of networking, not by answering on-line or newspaper adds. Make some time this week to call an old college roommate, co-worker, or supervisor. You will most likely enjoy getting caught up and you just never know what opportunities may arise.
Interview Tutor
Professional Career Services

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