Sunday, November 2, 2014

10 things I know about your next job interview:

Preparation = Success

10. You will need to sell it!      
If you can’t sell your skills, accomplishments, and your potential, you will be overlooked more often than not. You need not become a fanatical "used car" salesperson, but you must be able to promote yourself. You need to be able to tactfully describe how perfect you are for the position.
 9. Your degree and experience will not automatically get you a job offer.
We've all been there. Discovered the perfect position for us in the want ads, on-line, or from a friend. We think, "this position was tailor-made for me! I have everything they are looking for!" However, in a competitive job market, you must display intangibles to include; likability, professionalism, positivity, as well as the basic qualifications. Furthermore, you may get the nod over a more qualified candidate based upon your passion, energy, and enthusiasm.
8. You will need to make a great first impression.
When your grandfather got his first job, the first impression he made was critical. The same holds true for you today. One thing that technology has not changed is the importance of your first impression. A firm handshake, a smile, small talk, and your appearance all matter-greatly.
 7. Most likely, someone will ask; "So, tell me about yourself..."
The next 2 minutes can change your life. When asked, “tell me about yourself”, you should be well prepared to use two minutes (no more) to tell how your past has helped make you the perfect candidate for the position. Make your point quickly. Most candidates shoot themselves in the foot by talking too much or talking about the wrong things. I call the answer to this question your "you statement." Your "you statement" should be a finely tuned response.
 6. You will be more successful, if you sell to the position.
Do your homework. Understand the position and the company. Craft your responses so that they relate to the position and the company. Try to put yourself in the shoes of the hiring manager. They want to fill the open position with a candidate that been on a collision course with this opportunity for years. 
5. You should be specific.
Be prepared to discuss very specific accomplishments from your past. Potential employers want to know how you have made specific contributions. Be prepared with at least 3 specific accomplishments that can demonstrate how you are better than the rest. Discussing your specific accomplishments and contributions are far more impressive than talking about your prior job duties. Make your points quickly and don't ramble.
 4. Your energy and enthusiasm will take you far.
Sometimes energy and enthusiasm can trump experience and education. The hiring manager is looking not only for specific skills, but a solid addition to a team. If you show passion for a position, the interviewee will take notice.
3. The person that is interviewing you will be nervous too.
If the hiring manager makes a bad hire, it will be painful for him and the company.  You are not the only nervous party here. Take a deep breath and relax! You should view this interview as an opportunity, not a chore. 
2. If you are prepared, you won't be nervous.
Through preparation you gain confidence. As your confidence grows, you look forward to the interview and the associated opportunity! Its understandable that you are nervous. Even the coolest cat can become a nervous wreck prior to an interview that could lead to a life changing opportunity. As the saying goes, 90% of any job is the preparation. Get yourself prepared.

Ace your interview

1. If you are invited back, it was because of your interview skills. 
Anyone with mediocre interview skills can find a mediocre job. But, to find a position that is truly awesome, and potentially life-changing, you will need to have awesome interview skills. These are skills that can be improved upon. Contact me to learn how my service can help you develop interview skills that can set you apart from the others.

  Interview Tutor
Professional Career Services



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